it is crucial for organizations to foster a supportive company culture that values work-life balance and encourages employees to take time off.

Strategies for Coping with Working Mom Guilt
Many mothers experience working mom guilt when they have to balance their responsibilities at work with their roles as a parent. It’s important to recognize that working mom guilt is a common feeling and that there are strategies to manage and cope with this emotion

The Importance of Respecting Holy Days
Employees may have different religious or cultural beliefs, and as such, may celebrate different holidays. Offering flexibility allows employees to take time to observe their holidays without using their vacation or unpaid time off.

What HR Should Know About Candidate Experience?
Candidate experience refers to the overall experience a job applicant has during the entire recruitment process, from the initial job search to the final hiring decision. It includes all interactions with the employer, such as submitting an application, participating in an interview, and receiving communication regarding the status of their application.