What 2020 has taught us
Every start of a new year, I take some time to put together a year-in review. Sure, it allows us to highlight HRWize’s accomplishments throughout the past year, but mainly, it’s a moment I take to reflect and introspect on what the last 52 weeks have brought; the good, the bad, and the Covid, of course.
This year, I asked my team to do the same. I wanted to get to know them better while finding the similarities and the differences of how we each experienced pandemic life. Their responses, though not shocking, were beautiful. Gratitude, appreciation, health and wellbeing, internal peace, relationships, connections, those were the topics that invaded the introspection exercise.
Rewind to summer 2020, the HRWize team started talking about what our goals, vision and values were, as we planned out 2021. Covid forced us to conduct some of these conversations outdoors, perhaps with some sangria, and we surely made the best of it. We talked about what mattered to us, how we wanted to conduct business, who we wanted to conduct business with and much more.
It was obvious; ours is a people-centric business (duh… “HR”Wize), but connection… that’s what made us shine. Connections amongst each other, connections with our clients, connections with our partners, connections with prospects; connection is the common thread that set us apart.
So here I am, looking back on what was our best year since inception, from a business viewpoint, and the single thing I am most grateful for is the people I am lucky enough to call my HRWize family, direct and indirect. I believe we have built a nucleus of smart, kind, caring people who, in turn, attract smart, kind, caring people to collaborate with. We are seemingly building a synergistic ecosystem.
We have a pretty neat line of products that bring tremendous value to organizations trying to streamline their growing business’ processes. But behind that technology and those implementations, lies a group of people who genuinely care about what they are doing, why they are doing it and who they are doing it with and for.
For 2021, our single biggest focus is just that: building out our ecosystem connecting smart, kind and caring people. We will continue to roll out successful implementations of HRWize, EarnWize and our other innovations, while bringing a people-first approach to everything we do. We will bolster and show off our awesome team through our “Get to know” posts so you can get to know the people behind the brand. And we’ll do all that while giving back to organizations that matter to us, and to the people within our ecosystem.
A big thanks goes out to all of our clients who have been there through it all. Your trust in us has allowed us to learn and grow both as an organization and as individuals. We are forever grateful that you propelled us into this new reality we get to call ours.
Join us, connect with us, I assure you… this is the start of something great.
A Year in Review
By Briana Della ForestaChoosing the Right HRIS: A Comprehensive Guide
By Briana Della ForestaThe Impact of Vacation Time on Employee Creativity and Innovation
By Briana Della ForestaThe Importance of Employee Vacations for Work-Life Balance
By Briana Della ForestaCreating a Vacation-Friendly Company Culture
By Briana Della ForestaStrategies for Coping with Working Mom Guilt
By Briana Della ForestaThe Importance of Respecting Holy Days
By Briana Della ForestaWhat HR Should Know About Candidate Experience?
By Briana Della ForestaDo What You Love or Love What You Do?
By HRWizeDiversity Requires Metrics
By Briana Della Foresta