The Importance of Respecting Holy Days

Companies need to take some advice from Kool & The Gang and “celebrate good times, come on!”. In all seriousness, offering flexibility with Holy Days is essential in today’s workplace. Employees may have different religious or cultural beliefs, and as such, may celebrate different holidays. Offering flexibility allows employees to take time to observe their holidays without using their vacation or unpaid time off. 

 By being a responsible employer, your company can excel in these 4 areas: 

Diversity and Inclusion

By respecting Holy Days, companies show that they value and respect the diverse beliefs and cultures of their employees. This helps to foster a more inclusive and welcoming workplace where employees feel their authentic selves. Companies that offer flexibility with holidays demonstrate that they value diversity and inclusivity, which can enhance their reputation as a socially responsible employer. 

Employee Morale

Recognizing and respecting Holy Days demonstrates that a company cares about the well-being of its employees, which can boost employee morale and increase job satisfaction. Fostering this type of welcoming work environment also encourages insightful interactions and deeper connections between colleagues.  

Employee Retention

When employees feel that their religious beliefs and traditions are respected, they are more likely to remain with the company for a longer period of time. When employees have the flexibility to take time off to celebrate their holidays, they are less likely to miss work or leave the company due to a lack of support for their beliefs.  

Avoiding Legal Issues

Many countries have laws that protect employees’ religious rights and prohibit discrimination based on religion. Failure to respect Holy Days can lead to legal issues and negative publicity, which can damage a company’s reputation and lead to financial losses. 


Flexible holiday policies can take many forms, such as offering a bank of floating holidays that employees can use at their discretion, allowing employees to swap holidays with colleagues, or providing the option to work on holidays and take time off at a later date. 

The bottom line is that you are showing your employees that you care about them, as human beings. You are encouraging and allowing them to practice what they believe without having to compromise their work for their faith. This is a sign of good corporate citizenship and can help companies build stronger relationships with their employees, customers, and communities.